Livorno is a port city and it is in the district known as Venezia Nuova that…
Architect, Councilor of the Municipality of Livorno with powers to town planning, public works, urban green areas, accessibility, harbor plan. Municipality of Livorno. Florence, Italy.
Since 1989 professional studio owner specialized in planning. Drafter of numerous plans (large or municipal areas). Publishing activities. Speaker at conferences. Participation in research. Component of various commissions. Contract professor at the University of Architecture in Florence. Specific knowledge on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Consultant for ANCI (the Italian National Association of Municipalities). President of the National Institute of Urban Planning (INU) from 2013 to 2019. Member of the National Executive INU and the founding commission of the Fondazione Astengo. Currently Vice President of the Association "Transizione Ecologica e Solidale", member of the Board of Directors of “Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Immobiliare", Councilor of the Municipality of Livorno.