El espacio público como proyecto arquitectónico Introducción La situación de las ciudades no es un fenómeno…
Architect, Responsible for the Planning Department in the Algeciras Bay Port Authority. Algeciras, Spain.
Born in Madrid. Architect by the ETSAM of Madrid (1981) with the accreditation of Research Proficiency (2004). Since 2020 Responsible for the Planning Department in the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras, developing the functions of his profession within the port area, as well as port-city relationships. Member of the RETE governing board in the following periods: 2006-2008 and 2010-2012, as well as member of its Scientific Committee. At present, Honorary Member. Lecturer at the San Roque summer courses of 2007 and 2008, organized by the University of Cadiz and the Official College of Architects of Cadiz.
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PORTRAIT of Algeciras “Lago Marítimo” Presentation
PORTRAIT de Algeciras “Lago Marítimo”Presentación “La ciudad existe en la medida que es apropiada por sus…
El Port Vell de Barcelona
“Un caballo pintado a rayas no es una cebra” La frase es atribuida a Louis Kahn,…
“El Estrecho‐Le Detroit”: dos frentes portuarios paralelos
Al análisis y al debate sobre las dos formas de actuación puerto ciudad llevadas a cabo…