Puerto Cabello. Propuestas de mejoras para incorporar a la operativa portuaria e impacto en las relaciones…
Ludwing Fernando GUERRERO LOPEZ
Systems Engineer. General Management of Port Research and Studies of Bolivariana de Puertos S.A. Caracas, Venezuela.
Graduate in CCS and Military Arts (1989), Systems Engineer (2003), Master in Logistics Management (2003), Master in CCS and Military Arts (2008), Master in Security, Comprehensive Defense and Integration (2014), Specialist in Logistics Military (2015), Specialist in International Maritime Trade with a mention in Port Management, Director of the Logistics School of the Military University, Technology Manager of the Social Welfare Institute of the Armed Forces, General Manager of Marketing of Bolivariana de Puertos S.A. General Manager of Planning, Budget and Organization of Bolipuertos S.A, General Manager of Human Management of Bolipuertos S.A, General Manager of Research and Port Studies of Bolipuertos S.A. (Current), Head of the Venezuelan Commission before MERCOSUR for “Illicit Arms Trafficking” (Montevideo – Uruguay -2011), Head of the Bolipuerto Commission before the Transportation Committee of the Association of Caribbean States (Pto España – Trinidad And Tobago- 2019), Head of the Bolipuerto Commission for the Homologation of Academic Offers with Cuba (Havana – Cuba -2019).