Como integración Puerto-Ciudad suele entenderse la regeneración urbanística de grandes superficies portuarias que han quedado obsoletas.…
José Llorca Ortega
President of Puertos del Estado. Spanish Port Agency of Ministry of Development.
Born in Ripoll (Girona-Spain) 1958. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (1982) and a civil servant ranking in the Advanced Optional Technicians Scale at the Ministry of Defence (1986). He has held various positions in the Ministries of Defence and Public Works. He has taken part in the European Union’s Port Working Group and the London Convention’s Dredging Experts Group for IMO. Additionally, he has been the Secretary of the Spanish Ports and Coasts Association (1990-2000). He has been the Director of the Spanish Standardisation Programme (ROM). In the 2000-2004 period he was the President of State Ports. Since January 2012 he has once again been the President of State Ports.