It is a commonplace to say that crisis reveal latent strengths and weaknesses. When the COVID-19…
Head of Division, OECD, retired. University of Glasgow. Saint-Mandé, France.
Historian. Princeton PhD (’73), Professor, Michigan State University (1973-92); author, Cities and the Sea (1978, rep. 2020), numerous articles on port city development in 20th century in times of crisis, especially “The Crises of Atlantic Port Cities, 1880-1920”, in Comparative Studies in Society and History, v. 36 (1994):301-26. Diplomat, public sector governance: OECD, Paris: Urban Affairs Division, 1992-2003, as head from 1995; Head, Regulatory Policy Division, 2003-11. Cities and Crisis, Manchester University Press, 2016. “Don’t Waste a Crisis” and “Paradigm Shifts”, notes for FONDAPOL, French Foundation for Policy Innovation, 2020. Research affiliate, “Resilience”, New Cities Foundation.