“Italia e Spagna: Incontro Bilaterale tra Porti e Città” alla Naples Shipping Week 2024 Il Convegno…
Architect, PhD in Urban Planning and Evaluation. Researcher at IRISS (Institute for Research on Innovation and Development Services), CNR (National Research Council). Naples, Italy.
Gaia Daldanise is researcher at CNR IRISS (since 2014), PhD in Urban Planning and Evaluation. Author of articles in national and international journals, she is responsible for research activities on collaborative decision-making processes for urban regeneration; place branding and territorial marketing; cultural and creative services for the enhancement of cultural heritage. Research activities are accompanied by community engagement approaches related to culture and creativity as engines of sustainable development.
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Cities & the Sea Port City Planning in Early Modern Europe
Originally published in 1978. Josef Konvitz provides a broad comparative study of European port cities since…