Una Escuela de Arquitectura portuaria De entre las 34 Escuelas de Arquitectura de España, la de…
Francisco Javier TERRADOS CEPEDA
Architect. PhD in Architectural Design. Architectural Design Professor, Department of Architectural Design, University of Seville. Seville, Spain.
Javier Terrados Cepeda is PhD Architect by the School of Architecture of Seville and was a Graduate Student at Cornell University (New York). He teaches Architectural Design in Seville since 1988. He has been visiting teacher in London, Panama City, Nancy, Graz, Madrid, Valencia, Granada, Málaga and Barcelona. His architectural work has been awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Housing (National Public Housing Award 2005), by the Spanish Institute of Architects (National Award “Urban Solutions” 2003) and by the regional Institutes of Architects of Cordoba, Huelva, Cádiz, Jaén and Seville. He was also awarded with one honorary mention of the ‘Ugo Rivolta European Architecture Award’.