[two_third] HG Genova si caratterizza oggi anche come città del cibo per una molteplicità di iniziative.…
Ariel Dello Strologo
President (chairman) of Porto Antico di Genova S.p.A., Genoa. Member of the board of directors of Superba S.p.A., Genoa. Member of the board of directors of Teatro Stabile di Genova.
Law degree on International Law, Genoa University. Paola Cattanei law firm, Genoa (1991-1995). Internship at DeOrchis & Partners, New York, International and Maritime law (2003). Member of Consiglio dei Probiviri of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities. Partner from 2004 De Andrè Law Firm (Genoa, Milan, Rome, Sarzana, business and commercial law). President (chairman) of Porto Antico di Genova S.p.A.,and Member of the board of directors of Superba S.p.A., Genoa (2009 to day). Member of the board of directors of Teatro Stabile di Genova (2011 to day).