Landscape Architecture Europe
Call for entries 2011-2013
Closing date
1 December 2013
Projects to be submitted
Designed or completed from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013
Selection jury
Paolo Bürgi (chair), Camorino (CH)
Monika Gora, Malmö (SE)
Jandirk Hoekstra, Amsterdam (NL)
Thierry Kandjee, Paris/Brussels (F/BE)
Laura Zampieri, Marghera (I)
Editorial board
Lisa Diedrich (editor-in-chief), Munich/Malmö (D/ SE)
Jessica Bridger, Berlin (D)
Mark Hendriks, Utrecht (NL)
Claudia Moll, Zurich (CH)
More Information
The new call for entries for our book series has been launched. We are looking forward to receive your most challenging projects by 1 December 2013 and invite you to spread the word among those you think are producing fantastic work in Europe these days.
We particularly welcome projects that contribute to the expanded agenda of landscape architecture in Europe, redefining the playground of creative practice where society, politics, ecology and economy meet, at micro or macro scale, long term or ephemeral.
We are also interested in receiving proposals from the fields of strategic, social and ecological design and from the arts that explore design innovation in the making and shaping of all kinds of spaces, public and private, urban and rural, local and global.
Priority will be given to plans that have been implemented and to strategic and research plans. The projects must be commissioned and be of landscape architectural interest, and may be designed by one or more professionals of any nationality and from any discipline.
We are also eager in getting entries from the Eastern European regions that allow us to overview the uprising practice in these countries.
The LAE Foundation has been installed to enhance the debate about landscape architecture in Europe, so our mission is not to select the best projects or offices but we aim at drawing up the best picture of the state of the art in Europe through a combination of selected practical work, elaborate design critique and theoretical reflection.
This is done in a European teamwork: our board of foundation sets the direction, a jury of practitioners selects, experienced editors are in charge of writing and composing the book, professional producers at our homebase in the Netherlands design and produce the book, renowned publishers distribute it internationally.
Submitted projects must have been designed or completed in the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013.
Individuals may submit a maximum of three projects. Entries must consist of no more than 6 A4 pages of text (in English), drawings, images and photographs. Please submit these by email (as a pdf file, maximum 12 MB). A project data form must be submitted separately (as a pdf file).
The entry fee is € 50 for the first entry and € 40 each for subsequent entries. Each participant will receive one LAE book free of charge.
Entries should be send to:
Click below to download pdf

Landscape Architecture Europe
Call for entries 2011-2013
Closing date
1 December 2013
Projects to be submitted
Designed or completed from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013
Selection jury
Paolo Bürgi (chair), Camorino (CH)
Monika Gora, Malmö (SE)
Jandirk Hoekstra, Amsterdam (NL)
Thierry Kandjee, Paris/Brussels (F/BE)
Laura Zampieri, Marghera (I)
Editorial board
Lisa Diedrich (editor-in-chief), Munich/Malmö (D/ SE)
Jessica Bridger, Berlin (D)
Mark Hendriks, Utrecht (NL)
Claudia Moll, Zurich (CH)
More Information
The new call for entries for our book series has been launched. We are looking forward to receive your most challenging projects by 1 December 2013 and invite you to spread the word among those you think are producing fantastic work in Europe these days.
We particularly welcome projects that contribute to the expanded agenda of landscape architecture in Europe, redefining the playground of creative practice where society, politics, ecology and economy meet, at micro or macro scale, long term or ephemeral.
We are also interested in receiving proposals from the fields of strategic, social and ecological design and from the arts that explore design innovation in the making and shaping of all kinds of spaces, public and private, urban and rural, local and global.
Priority will be given to plans that have been implemented and to strategic and research plans. The projects must be commissioned and be of landscape architectural interest, and may be designed by one or more professionals of any nationality and from any discipline.
We are also eager in getting entries from the Eastern European regions that allow us to overview the uprising practice in these countries.
The LAE Foundation has been installed to enhance the debate about landscape architecture in Europe, so our mission is not to select the best projects or offices but we aim at drawing up the best picture of the state of the art in Europe through a combination of selected practical work, elaborate design critique and theoretical reflection.
This is done in a European teamwork: our board of foundation sets the direction, a jury of practitioners selects, experienced editors are in charge of writing and composing the book, professional producers at our homebase in the Netherlands design and produce the book, renowned publishers distribute it internationally.
Submitted projects must have been designed or completed in the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2013.
Individuals may submit a maximum of three projects. Entries must consist of no more than 6 A4 pages of text (in English), drawings, images and photographs. Please submit these by email (as a pdf file, maximum 12 MB). A project data form must be submitted separately (as a pdf file).
The entry fee is € 50 for the first entry and € 40 each for subsequent entries. Each participant will receive one LAE book free of charge.
Entries should be send to:
Click below to download pdf