La ciudad de Valdivia, Chile, se ha caracterizado a lo largo de su historia por el…
Virginia VÁSQUEZ
Architect, Dra. Núcleo de investigación en Riesgos Naturales y Atropogénicos RINA UACh. Department of Architecture an Urbanism, Austral University of Chile (UACh). Valdivia, Chile.
Architect, PhD in Architecture, Energy and Environment by Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain (2009). Academic of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, of the Austral University of Chile (2009 to the date). His lines of research are patrimony, risk and patrimonial vulnerability. He has published articles in various indexed magazines and 3 books, the last one (2018) called "Water Landscapes", financed with public resources from the State of Chile. She is currently a member of the Reviewers Committee of the AUS Magazine, an academic of the Magister of Design of Sustainable Environments (MADE, UACh). She is co-director of the Research Center for Natural and Anthropogenic Risks at the Austral University of Chile.(2015 to the date).