After a long period of economic stagnation and political turmoil, Peru shows some stability and economic…
Pierre Gras
Associate lecturer at the National High School of Architecture in Lyon, France.
A Journalist, writer and consultant specialising in urban society, Pierre Gras is the author of several books on port issues, including Ports et déports : de l’imaginaire des villes portuaires (L’Harmattan, 2003) and Le temps des ports (Tallandier, 2010). He is also an associate lecturer at the National High School of Architecture in Lyon and teaches at the Institute for Political Studies in Lyon.
All its articles
Ports networking: the Morocco knocks major
Overall traffic Moroccan ports rose above 22% during the first half of 2014 over 60 million…
French seaports rediscover their hinterland
Major French seaports, under the double effect of economic necessity and an awareness of their complementarity…
Africa: port fever against crisis?
Africa is today the continent where the pace of urbanization is the fastest, while remaining the…
New York: when Sandy scans too certainties
Hurricane Sandy, who swept the north-east coast of the United States in late October 2012, was…