En 2007 se conformó la nueva “Región de Los Ríos”, a partir de la demanda ciudadana…
Architect, Universidad de Chile, ICA 5919. Regional Planning Direction, Ministry of Public Works – Región de Los Ríos. Valdivia, Chile.
Architect, Universidad de Chile. Consulting architect of the General Coordination of Concessions of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP), Santiago de Chile. In charge of territorial planning, urban analysis and community participation in concession projects: Route 5, North - South System, among others highways projects (1995-2000). Consulting architect of the National Planning Direction - Ministry of Public Works (MOP), Santiago de Chile (2001-2007. Leader of planning studies, such as “MOP Infrastructure Master Plan” (2007) and "Analysis and evaluation of new physical interconnection strategies between regions Los Lagos and Aysen" (2006); coordinator and editor of many MOP Infrastructure Investment Plans, such as: "Investment Plan for the Interlagos Network (Red Interlagos)" (2006-2007), "Investment Plan for Southern Connectivity" (2004) and various MOP investment urban plans (2005-2007). 2007 - to date: Regional Planning Director - Ministry of Public Works (MOP) – Region de Los Ríos. It assumes by competition of high public management after the promulgation of the new Region.