Genova è il sesto comune italiano per popolazione, terzo del Nord Italia. La posizione geografica nel…
Anna Iole Corsi
Architect, Head of Special Projects Unit, Heritage and State Property Department. Municipality of Genoa.
Anna Iole Corsi is currently Head of Heritage and State Property Department and she is responsible for the enhancement of municipal assets. Since 1983 to 1999 she led several detailed and regulatory plans as urban planner of the Liguria Region and contribuited to the development of the Regional Landscape Plan of Liguria. Since 1999, she is manager of the Municipality of Genoa where her roles were linked with urban planning: prior as Head of the Urban Department for the technical implementation of the urban plan; later as Head of the Area Vasta (Wide Area) Department of the infrastructure networks and for the City Plan Department where she managed the project preliminary development of the main infrastructures of Genoa. In 2007 she was named to lead UrbanLab, the laboratory of urban design conceived by Renzo Piano and associated with the Municipality, focused on infrastructure and urban transformations. She was in charge since 2007 to 2012 as responsible in coordinating the Urban Plan of Genoa. Author of several articles concerning urban planning and the relationships between port and city, she has usually represented the Municipality of Genoa for infrastructural and urban planning subjects within italian and international meetings.
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La città immaginata: progetti e visioni non realizzati
Come le antiche vedute genovesi esprimevano con chiarezza la forte identificazione fra la città del passato…
Genova e il waterfront degli anni ‘90
La storia di Genova è la storia del legame della città col mare, inteso come attività,…