Coincidiendo con la celebración del XXV Aniversario del nacimiento de BILBAO Ría 2000, han cobrado renovada…
Ángel María NIEVA
Managing Director. BILBAO Ría 2000, public company for the urban regeneration of Metropolitan Bilbao. Bilbao, Spain.
Lawyer-economist graduated at the University of Deusto. After his professional practice (1984-85), he went on to perform the duties of Legal Advisor for the Department of Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government (1985-86). After four years as Legal Advisor for the municipal corporation SURBISA, which manages the urban rehabilitation of Bilbao's Historical Quarter, he became the Director-General of the same (1990-2000). Since 1 January 2001 he is the General Director of BILBAO Ría 2000, a public-owned corporation formed in equal parts by the central State administration and the Basque administrations, whose mission is to recover degraded areas or declining industrial areas in metropolitan Bilbao. He has participated as a speaker at a number of congresses and forums organized in different cities worldwide due to the international relevance the role BILBAO Ría 2000 has played in Bilbao's process of urban transformation. Likewise, he has taught extensively at the Basque Institute of Public Administration.